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Pioneers in Medicine with Dr. Gewertz: Making Personalized Medicine Possible for IBD Patients Podcast

Pioneers in Medicine with Dr. Gewertz: Making Personalized Medicine Possible for IBD Patients

In this episode of “Pioneers in Medicine,” Stephan Targan, MD, explains the recent shift to more aggressive treatment plans and how new therapies promote precision medicine, driving positive outcomes for each unique individual.
Studying the Diabetes and Pancreatic Cancer Connection News

Studying the Diabetes and Pancreatic Cancer Connection

When a patient is diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes, physicians rarely think of chronic pancreatitis as the cause. But about 50% of people diagnosed with chronic pancreatitis will develop diabetes.
Health Delivery Science Master's Program Video

Health Delivery Science Master's Program

The Cedars-Sinai MHDS program is a hybrid program that combines the strengths of in-person and remote teaching to prepare graduates for a successful career in emerging healthcare fields, including digital health science, mobile health, health technology assessment, big data analytics, performance improvement, and leadership training.
Active Surveillance for Thyroid Cancer News

Active Surveillance for Thyroid Cancer

For patients with tiny, localized thyroid cancers, the standard of care is surgery. But Cedars-Sinai investigators are exploring the benefits of a different approach.
Advanced Coronary Revascularization for Severe Coronary Disease News

Advanced Coronary Revascularization for Severe Coronary Disease

Broadly, coronary revascularization is a surgical intervention used to treat blocked arteries. The method allows a wide range of patients to avoid the trauma of open-heart surgery and restore healthy blood flow to the heart.
Equitable, Personalized Care for Women and Children of Color News

Equitable, Personalized Care for Women and Children of Color

Studies reveal that improving culture competence—the ability of providers and organizations to effectively deliver healthcare services that meet the social, cultural and linguistic needs of patients—is one way to make lasting change.
Cedars-Sinai's Team Leads the Next Generation of Thoracic Robotic Surgeons Into the Future of Medicine News

Cedars-Sinai's Team Leads the Next Generation of Thoracic Robotic Surgeons Into the Future of Medicine

Cedars-Sinai is one of the busiest thoracic surgery programs in the western U.S. and ranks among the busiest in the country for robotic thoracic surgery. That volume, driven by exceptional surgeons and the robotic resources available, has enabled Cedars-Sinai to become not only a premier institution for patients to receive care, but also for surgeons to obtain training in advanced robotic procedures.
Cedars-Sinai Study Leverages Oncology Research to Improve Outcomes for Patients with Aggressive Prolactinomas News

Cedars-Sinai Study Leverages Oncology Research to Improve Outcomes for Patients with Aggressive Prolactinomas

For patients with pituitary tumors who have exhausted standard treatment protocols, there are few therapeutic options. It is those patients who were top of mind for Odelia Cooper, MD, and the Cedars-Sinai Pituitary Center team when they launched a research study to examine a cutting-edge pharmaceutical protocol initially pioneered in the oncological field.
Breakthroughs in Treatment Dosing Increase Access to Life-Changing Medication for Acromegaly Patients News

Breakthroughs in Treatment Dosing Increase Access to Life-Changing Medication for Acromegaly Patients

Patients with acromegaly experience social isolation and are dependent on very costly medications to control this rare disorder. Thanks to new research at Cedars-Sinai, patients can be offered a lower-cost treatment regimen with the same excellent results as current standard of care approaches.
Preventing the Progression of Atherosclerosis Podcast

Preventing the Progression of Atherosclerosis

During his work in the Coronary Care Unit as a resident, Prediman K. Shah, MD, the Shapell and Webb Family Chair in Clinical Cardiology at Cedars-Sinai, was surprised by how many patients came in with heart attack, cardiogenic shock and unstable angina. This realization led to his decades of research on atherosclerosis and related conditions.
The Female Experience with Heart Disease Podcast

The Female Experience with Heart Disease

Many of the diagnostic and treatment algorithms for heart disease were originally created by men, for men. But in 1984, more women died of heart disease than men for the first time. Since then, experts have turned their attention to this condition in women, including Noel Bairey Merz, MD, Director of the Barbra Streisand Women’s Heart Center.
Tour the New Breast Health Services Building | Cedars-Sinai Video

Tour the New Breast Health Services Building | Cedars-Sinai

We're so proud to announce the opening of our new Breast Health Services Building! Take a peek inside this healing and hopeful space.

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