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Despite Pandemic, 2020 Brought Increase in Heart Transplants News

Despite Pandemic, 2020 Brought Increase in Heart Transplants

Cardiothoracic Surgeons at the Smidt Heart Institute Performed 128 Adult Heart Transplants in 2020, More Than Any Other Center in the Nation.
Leading the Way in Innovative Robotic Technologies to Improve Outcomes, Shorten Recovery Time News

Leading the Way in Innovative Robotic Technologies to Improve Outcomes, Shorten Recovery Time

For patients with advanced lung disease, time is of the essence. The fastest, most accurate path from diagnosis to treatment is robotic technology.
Cedars-Sinai Neuroscientists Awarded Prestigious NIH Grant News

Cedars-Sinai Neuroscientists Awarded Prestigious NIH Grant

Collaborative Research Team Recently Awarded an $8 Million BRAIN Initiative Grant to Further Study How Human Neurons Act in Formation and Recall of Memories
About the Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine Fellowship Program Video

About the Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine Fellowship Program

The Cedars-Sinai Pulmonary and Critical Care Fellowship program provides a diverse experience tailored to the career goals of each trainee. We provide tremendous depth and opportunities in clinical medicine, research and education to help inspire future leaders.
Retinas: New Potential Clues in Diagnosing, Treating Alzheimer’s News

Retinas: New Potential Clues in Diagnosing, Treating Alzheimer’s

Research Findings From Cedars-Sinai Department of Neurosurgery Might Help Predict Changes in Patients' Brains, Cognitive Deterioration
COVID-19: Enzyme Targeted by Virus Also Influences Gut Inflammation News

COVID-19: Enzyme Targeted by Virus Also Influences Gut Inflammation

Cedars-Sinai Study Suggests ACE2, Which Helps Coronavirus Invade Cells, May Be a Double-Edged Sword">The novel coronavirus as seen under a microscope. Courtesy of the National Institutes of Health.
A Real-Life Stress Test News

A Real-Life Stress Test

Postpartum depression (PPD) is the most common complication new mothers experience, and one of the ailments they’re most reluctant to talk about.
The Liver-Cancer Connection News

The Liver-Cancer Connection

When cancer spreads, the liver is one of its favorite go-to targets. It’s the most common site for metastases from cancers of the pancreas and colon. When prostate cancer spreads, it travels to the liver almost 25% of the time.
Easy to Digest News

Easy to Digest

Study of the microbiome—the trillions of bacteria living in and on our bodies—traditionally focuses on the colon, the biggest part of the large intestine. Stool has been the star, so far, when it comes to understanding how colonies of tiny organisms play a part in our health.
New Center's Mission: Predict, Prevent Sudden Cardiac Arrest News

New Center's Mission: Predict, Prevent Sudden Cardiac Arrest

Smidt Heart Institute Launches Comprehensive Center for Cardiac Arrest Prevention to Investigate Complex Solutions to a Historically Lethal Problem
About the General Surgery Residency Program | Cedars-Sinai Academic Medicine Video

About the General Surgery Residency Program | Cedars-Sinai Academic Medicine

The Department of Surgery is committed to training the next generation of surgical leaders, with superb technical skills, sound clinical judgment and a desire to innovate.
About the Hospice & Palliative Care Fellowship Program | Cedars-Sinai Academic Medicine Video

About the Hospice & Palliative Care Fellowship Program | Cedars-Sinai Academic Medicine

The Cedars-Sinai Supportive Care Medicine program is a highly integrated and well-established palliative care program, serving a diverse population of patients with a variety of complex and advanced illnesses.

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