2023 Cancer Annual Report

The Power and Promise of Convergent Science to Transform Cancer Research and Care
Numerous disciplines—from basic science to electronics to engineering to mathematics, including artificial intelligence (AI)/machine learning—can look at a single problem from myriad angles. Operating separately, these disciplines make slow, hard-won progress. When we work together through truly integrated, side-by-side collaboration, we have the opportunity for paradigm-shifting advances by virtue of their synergism with each other.
“Convergent science” is the concept that recognizes the power and promise of developing these deep synergisms and harmonizes them to tackle seemingly unsurmountable problems by addressing them with a thoughtful, sophisticated, multifaceted solution. In cancer, use of convergent science principles and this cross-pollination also cultivates connections faster than ever before, speeding up and simplifying the evolution of cancer care.
Best of all, convergent science is inextricably patient-focused. Patient needs, coupled with feedback and engagement of our Community Advisory Board, define the tracks of research on which investigators train their efforts.
We are crafting a new era of oncology care and research by applying convergent science disciplines to discovery-centric programs. AI applications lead to boundary-free exploration of the most promising avenues for improved diagnostics and therapeutics.
We hope that you will recognize our push toward convergence and join us for new collaborations that have the power to accelerate improvements in care for cancer patients everywhere.

Cedars-Sinai Cancer: Many Routes, Many Destinations, One Infrastructure
Imagine a network of clinicians and researchers from numerous fields—biology, chemistry, physics, pharmacology, mathematics, computer science, engineering, technology and more—working together on shared problems in the realm of cancer treatment. Projects proceed without silos. Research efficiency increases. Before you know it, the results meaningfully impact patients’ lives.
This is the future of medical science: a convergence of disciplines, ideas and efforts to enable progress on the field’s toughest challenges. It is centered on patient needs in every possible way, from individuals here and now to large communities in the future. At Cedars-Sinai Cancer, we believe that convergent science will enhance our research and clinical care capabilities. We are embracing the future of cancer discovery based on this principle and have built the station and the tracks to proceed. Now we’re ready to drive the train.

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