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About Cardiology Fellowship | Cedars-Sinai Academic Medicine Video

About Cardiology Fellowship | Cedars-Sinai Academic Medicine

The Cardiology Fellowship at the Cedars-Sinai's Smidt Heart Institute is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education and is designed to prepare fellows for a career of leadership and distinction in academic cardiology.
About the Interventional Cardiology Fellowship Program | Cedars-Sinai Academic Medicine Video

About the Interventional Cardiology Fellowship Program | Cedars-Sinai Academic Medicine

The Cedars-Sinai subspecialty fellowship program in interventional cardiology (IC) has been accredited by the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) since 2003 to provide one additional year of training after graduation from a three-year cardiology training program.
Signs of Stroke Video

Signs of Stroke

What are the signs of a stroke? Dr. Shlee Song shares what to look for and what to do if you suspect someone is having a stroke.
Healthcare Workers to Patients: Please Be Nice Video

Healthcare Workers to Patients: Please Be Nice

As we come up on the two-year anniversary of the COVID-19 pandemic, nerves are fraying, stress levels are rising, and frustration is mounting everywhere. Healthcare workers say they often bear the brunt of people's anger, especially as the latest surge fills hospitals and doctors' offices once again.
Competitive Gymnast Beats Spine Disorder | Cedars-Sinai Newsroom Video

Competitive Gymnast Beats Spine Disorder | Cedars-Sinai Newsroom

Spinal Fusion by Cedars-Sinai Pediatric Orthopaedic Surgeon Fixes Young Gymnast's Collapsed Bones and Gives Her New Hope Ahead of College Recruitment
Cedars-Sinai Nurse Shares Congenital Heart Journey Video

Cedars-Sinai Nurse Shares Congenital Heart Journey

Jacqueline Avalon was born with a #CongenitalHeartDefect known as #VentricularSeptalDefect, which means there was a hole on the septal wall that separates the two ventricles of the heart. She's now a nurse at Cedars-Sinai. Hear more about her journey.
About the Movement Disorders Fellowship | Cedars-Sinai Academic Medicine Video

About the Movement Disorders Fellowship | Cedars-Sinai Academic Medicine

The goal of the Movement Disorders Fellowship is to provide clinical training, teaching skills and research experience. The length of the program is one year, with the option of adding a second year to pursue research, with approval.
About the Breast Oncology Fellowship | Cedars-Sinai Academic Medicine Video

About the Breast Oncology Fellowship | Cedars-Sinai Academic Medicine

Cedars-Sinai offers a one-year, clinical, interdisciplinary breast oncology fellowship to candidates who have completed a general surgery or obstetrics-gynecology residency and who are board-eligible or board-certified.
Pediatric and Adolescent Gender Wellness Clinic Opens at Cedars-Sinai | Cedars-Sinai Newsroom Video

Pediatric and Adolescent Gender Wellness Clinic Opens at Cedars-Sinai | Cedars-Sinai Newsroom

Cedars-Sinai has opened a clinic for children and adolescents under age 18 who are questioning their gender or experiencing gender dysphoria—marked incongruence and distress between their true gender identity and biological sex.
About the Complex General Surgical Oncology Fellowship Video

About the Complex General Surgical Oncology Fellowship

Cedars-Sinai offers a two-year Complex General Surgical Oncology Fellowship for candidates who have completed an approved general surgery residency and who are board-eligible or board-certified. The fellowship is an integrated, multidisciplinary program with a major emphasis on surgical oncology training and multidisciplinary care.
Who is A Good Candidate for Aortic Valve Repair? Dr. Pedro Catarino | Aortic Program at Cedars-Sinai Video

Who is A Good Candidate for Aortic Valve Repair? Dr. Pedro Catarino | Aortic Program at Cedars-Sinai

Dr. Pedro Catarino, Director of Aortic Surgery at Cedars-Sinai, explains how an echocardiogram is used to indicate a good candidate for aortic valve repair.
Health Delivery Science Master's Program Video

Health Delivery Science Master's Program

The Cedars-Sinai MHDS program is a hybrid program that combines the strengths of in-person and remote teaching to prepare graduates for a successful career in emerging healthcare fields, including digital health science, mobile health, health technology assessment, big data analytics, performance improvement, and leadership training.

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