Chapters Transcript Video Code Brain Program - Suzanne Web It was pretty much just like any morning. I made a cup of coffee. I dropped a cup of coffee thought that was odd. Then sat down at my desk and fell on the floor. I had no power in my arms. I couldn't make my phone work. I couldn't do anything. I couldn't get up. We have an approximately 50 year old female with slurred speech and she's not able to move her entire right side. Three minute ETA P A copy. Ok. I'm going to activate the sharp team. Suzanne presented with one of the most dramatic types of presentations of stroke. She had a left MC A stroke. Her symptoms are very severe. So she had issues with her ability to talk and her right side went weak. So with those presenting symptoms, we immediately know that there may be a disruption of blood flow to the left side of the brain. She is determined to be eligible for the clot, busting drug. So she gets that right away along with the interventional team to go in and remove the clot. One thing I really do remember is a bevy of doctors and there was a young doctor, I never got his name and kept looking at me and saying, straighten your leg, can you please straighten your leg? Can you do that? And to me, it felt like he was reaching out to me in a, in a very human and compassionate way early. The next morning, he came in and he s he said, how are we today? And he was there with a colleague and I managed after thinking a bit to say to him, I'm feeling much better. Thank you. That was the best I could do. The look on his face was so joyful, so full of light, so full of hope that to me that meant I'm being taken care of. This is I don't have to worry about this. They've got this. That was my feeling in my first interaction with the stroke team. And honestly, it was that way the whole time I was at the hospital, I'm very proud of her recovery process. I know it hasn't been an easy road for her. And uh I'm really grateful that she's in my life too because she um inspires all of us to keep going. Doctor Song has the most incredible mix of expertise, patience and compassion. You never are felt as though you're doing this totally on your own. Ever, ever. She's there. And so is her team. It's a whole team based approach in terms of making sure that her Suzanne as a whole person that we take care and listen to all the things that are important to her. Um making sure that she can still enjoy a lot of the things that she likes to do. They saved my life in short is what these doctors did. It's beyond gratitude. It's something bigger than that. Created by