23rd Annual Educational Meeting in Gastroenterology
March 3 - 4, 2023
The 23rd Annual Cedars-Sinai Educational Meeting in Gastroenterology is a unique continuing medical education virtual activity designed to provide attendees with relevant information regarding new developments in gastroenterology and new approaches to the management of gastrointestinal diseases. A group of national experts will present new findings and guidelines in a clinical context that will be useful in your gastroenterology practice.
*No longer eligible for CME Credit
23rd Annual Educational Meeting in Gastroenterology IBD Sessions
IBD Breakout: Role of Intestinal Ultrasound in IBD. What, When and Why
23rd Annual Educational Meeting in Gastroenterology IBD Breakout Session
23rd Annual Educational Meeting in Gastroenterology IBD Breakout Session
23rd Annual Educational Meeting in Gastroenterology IBD Breakout Session
23rd Annual Educational Meeting in Gastroenterology IBD Breakout Session
IBD Breakout: Safety of Novel IBD Therapies: What and Where to Look For
23rd Annual Educational Meeting in Gastroenterology IBD Breakout Session
23rd Annual Educational Meeting in Gastroenterology Endoscopy and GI Popourri Sessions
23rd Annual Educational Meeting in Gastroenterology Hepatology Sessions
23rd Annual Educational Meeting in Gastroenterology Motility Sessions