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Low-Carb Diet Could Slow Prostate Tumor Growth News

Low-Carb Diet Could Slow Prostate Tumor Growth

An extremely low-carbohydrate diet could have a modest effect on slowing tumor growth in men with recurrent prostate cancer in addition to producing significant weight loss, a preliminary study has found.
Acclaimed Hematologist Joins Cedars-Sinai Cancer News

Acclaimed Hematologist Joins Cedars-Sinai Cancer

Internationally recognized hematologist John P. Chute, MD, has been selected to direct the Division of Hematology and Cellular Therapy in the Department of Medicine at Cedars-Sinai Cancer.
COVID-19 Study: Men Need the Most Hospital Care News

COVID-19 Study: Men Need the Most Hospital Care

Male patients hospitalized for COVID-19 (coronavirus) are more than twice as likely to need intensive care and three times as likely to need intubation compared with female patients, according to new research from Cedars-Sinai.
Blood Vessel Defects in Eyes May Foretell Alzheimer’s News

Blood Vessel Defects in Eyes May Foretell Alzheimer’s

Alzheimer's disease in its early stages affects the integrity of small blood vessels in the retinas of patients, according to a recent study led by Cedars-Sinai. This discovery holds promise for early diagnosis of Alzheimer's through the retina, a back-of-the-eye organ that is an extension of the brain and easily accessible for live, noninvasive imaging.
Climate Change: Lungs Video

Climate Change: Lungs

How does climate change affect your lungs? Cedars-Sinai pulmonologist Dr. Zab Mosenifar weighs in.
New Clinical Trial at Cedars-Sinai for Active Surveillance of Thyroid Tumors News

New Clinical Trial at Cedars-Sinai for Active Surveillance of Thyroid Tumors

Statistically, the incidence of thyroid cancer—especially among women—has increased worldwide over the past few decades
Cardio-Oncology Gets to the Heart of Cancer Patients' Health News

Cardio-Oncology Gets to the Heart of Cancer Patients' Health

Cedars-Sinai experts in the Smidt Heart Institute are making heart health a priority for cancer survivors and patients through the Cardio-Oncology Program. The program is more relevant than ever because cancer patients are living longer than ever. The five-year relative survival rate for all cancers combined has increased substantially since the early 1960s, from 39% to 70% among white patients and from 27% to 64% among African American patients.
New Research Explores Link Among Diabetes, Pancreatitis and Pancreatic Cancer News

New Research Explores Link Among Diabetes, Pancreatitis and Pancreatic Cancer

When a patient is diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes, physicians are rarely thinking of chronic pancreatitis as the cause. However, chronic pancreatitis may be more prevalent than clinicians realize.
Parkinson's Disease May Start Before Birth News

Parkinson's Disease May Start Before Birth

People who develop Parkinson’s disease before age 50 may have been born with disordered brain cells that went undetected for decades, according to new Cedars-Sinai research. The research points to a drug that potentially might help correct these disease processes.
Study: Low Complication Rate for Brain Stents News

Study: Low Complication Rate for Brain Stents

A national study led by Cedars-Sinai provides further support that a specialized stenting system for opening blocked brain arteries has a low rate of complications and may be as good or better than traditional medical therapy for certain patients with a stroke history.
VR in Healthcare Q&A with Dr. Brennan Spiegel Video

VR in Healthcare Q&A with Dr. Brennan Spiegel

Cedars-Sinai expert Dr. Brennan Spiegel answered some questions about using VR in healthcare on FacebookLive. Check out his answers to some of the most commonly asked questions.
All Of Us Research Program Video

All Of Us Research Program

Cedars-Sinai is proud to be participating in the All of Us Research Program, a nationwide effort from the National Institutes of Health to gather data on 1 million or more participants. The data gathered will serve as a resource to see how differences in background, lifestyle, and environment can influence health and disease.

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