Latest Updates on Multiple Sclerosis: 9th Annual Conference for Healthcare Professionals and Patients

Date & Location
Saturday, March 15, 2025, 8:15 AM - 1:35 PM PST, 
The Portofino Hotel, Redondo Beach, CA

Target Audience
Specialties - Family / General Medicine, Internal Medicine, Neurology, Neurosurgery, Ophthalmology, Pediatrics, Rheumatology
Professions - Nurse, Nurse (Advanced Practice NP CRNA CNM CNS), Pharmacist, Physician, Physician Assistant

This one-day activity will present content on multiple sclerosis (MS) and other neuroimmune disorders presented by expert faculty. Participants will learn about this challenging disorder and the importance of a careful diagnosis and early intervention using the latest medical approaches. Panel sessions will provide ample time for clarification of clinical points and encourage interactivity between participants and presenters.


  1. Recall the key components of the 2024 McDonald Diagnostic Criteria for multiple sclerosis.
  2. Differentiate between NMOSD, MOGAD, and idiopathic TM in terms of their clinical presentations and diagnostic features.
  3. Develop appropriate treatment plans using diseasemodifying therapies for patients with multiple sclerosis.
  4. Evaluate the effectiveness of various symptom management strategies in multiple sclerosis patients.
  5. Assess the challenges and best practices in navigating the therapy startup process for MS patients.
  6. Design a comprehensive management approach for patients with progressive MS, integrating the latest research findings.
  7. Apply interprofessional collaboration skills to develop a comprehensive, patientcentered care plan for individuals with multiple sclerosis, integrating expertise from various healthcare disciplines



January 2, 2025


March 16, 2025